Agentically focused content. Sub categories consisting of: Fitness, Psychology, Mindfulness, and Mastery. Agency is one's ability to move about the world unimpeded. Perfect agency would be omniscience, and complete Mindfulness(insulation from impulse). Humans can train to become increasingly agentic. Being fit and informed goes a long way toward developing Mastery, we'd like to be a part of your journey.
Daily mail awkward headlines
2020 Election: Dark Winter, Great Reset
What's coming next and what we've seen evidenced on the global elite agenda
Is this how elections are won?
Insight into how methods of vote switching can occur
After Anti Trump ideologues go on the attack against him
Are legacy media and Democrats attempting a coup?
All signs pointing towards some kind of truth manipulation campaign between social medias, legacy media, and the Democrats
The Discriminatory Costs of Preserving Women’s Only Sports
Leo D | November 6, 2020Separate categories for men and women in sports will become a relic of the early 21st century. Here is why we will go backwards to go forwards: In much of the world, we have become accustomed to having gender segregated categories for competition in sports. But the past 50 years mark a bubble which is popping as we speak. The past half century will be looked back on as the golden era of women's sport, where segregated categories gave women a chance to compete on a playing field that excludes men, transgender people and intersex people.
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